You must be at least 13 years old to enter the Teen site
You must be at least 13 years old to enter the Teen site
Below are red flags for Teens to remember regarding adults, people in authority, and friends or acquaintances.
If you or another is experiencing harm, take action Do not be a Bystander.
Anyone who uses their position or strength to bully,
harass or abuse another person is a bully or abuser.
It doesn’t matter if they are an adult or youth.
There is always something you can do.
Stop the situation
Step in, and use words to instruct the participants to disengage.
Yell No, leave me or him/her alone
Telling a person directly, “NO” usually works. If it doesn’t, leave the situation and go someplace safe.
Rally assistance
Don’t be a bystander – they are just as bad as the person doing the harm. Engage others to assist.